Acton Academy at Serenbe is open for the fall 2023 school year. After 3 years of planning, studying, and refining the drawings- it is here! We have also established a masterplan for the overall campus, with new building to come….
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We design homes for people who become like family. They open our heart and minds. Last night was such a time. They opened their home for a dinner to support #LindyMiller @MillerforGeorgia Who is running for Public Service Commissioner in Georgia....... we have got to support smart people folks—— #Vote #georgia
Beltline Business!!
Congrats to our clients who received their sign-offs from the City of Atlanta to open their new business off the Beltline! Head over to Studioplex this weekend for your Margarita! Can’t wait taste to their great collection of Tequilas and food from Chef Sebastian.
Bad blogger, bad blogger, but busy Architects! So our Ashley Avenue II is coming to completion, Thornbriar is on its way, and Kendall Tallhaus is rounding out the group. We have a Pre-school in planning, our charter school is closing in on construction documents, 12 townhomes under construction, another 16 in permitting, and 3 super lux townhomes getting close to permitting.
That is not all, but not going to tell all....
Hopefully our Ashley Avenue II will be on the modern home tour in June, so stay tuned.....
Bad Blogger, but busy architects!
warm moderism
In the Dirt again....
Our Ashley Street project is about to start! The first item is the pool, since it is in the rear of the lot & we have very little room to maneuver. Demo has happened on the lot.
The Lake Villa project is in its final weeks & we will homeowners really using their weekend home for real.
Press Us
It is great when anyone talks about you, and even better when they say nice things. If you have been MIA since September 1, Jose and I had a very nice spread in Atlanta HOME magazine.
Many people have reached-out to us because of the article. We heard a common refrain.........'You have inspired me or us'. When we moved to this corner of Atlanta, there was very little 'inspiring'. We and others saw the possibilities and were inspired by that future. So we got involved, we met our neighbors, we advocated for parks, we picked up trash, we pushed for safety,,,,,we were loud and present.
Practice what you preach.
When we built our first home and studio, not many believed the 'modern' idea was a good one. But we believed in Architectural diversity. Now the 'modern' solutions are the hottest properties. We shy away from the idea of a stylistic 'shtick' or 'gimmick', as if it is a wand that is waved over a project. We hope that inspiration is not a gimmick, that the inspiration waves some of your own little magic.
Build it and they will come.
Tic Tac time flys by when you are having fun. Our project in South Carolina is finishing up, and home Owners are set to move in...Here is an image from our clients at Jamestown.
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